Fullstack Developer

Hi, I'm Chitrang (he/him),
I am passionate about building software and leveraging technology to fulfill global business needs!


The Souled Store

Software Engineering Intern


Software Development Intern




K.J Somaiya College of Engineering, Mumbai

B.Tech (Information Technology)

2021 - 2022


Software Developer


Compiify Inc.

Software Engg. Intern


Pennsylvania State University, University Park

M.S. Computer Science and Engineering

The Souled Store Pvt Ltd (2018)
  • Front-end development in Vue.js

  • Developed an internal CMS in Django

Mirraw.com (2021 - 2022)
  • Implemented systemwide email service integration using SendGrid, SES, and Route53.

  • Built a module that utilizes Postgres and Ruby Gems to produce PDF invoices from order data.

  • Created a docker-compose setup for a containerized development environment for the software engineering team.

  • Developed an automation pipeline for invoice filing and ledger generation for more than 1000 vendors with large-scale data aggregation of over half a million orders using PostgreSQL, Sidekiq queues, and Redis.

  • Developed a CICD pipeline and containerized the deployment to AWS EC2 and AWS ECS for staging website therefore decreasing the time from development to production by 30%. Conducted heavy research on AWS infrastructure and reduced AWS billing costs by 13%.

Compiify Inc (2023)
  • Integrated the use of large language models (LLMs) by pipelining efficient data extraction processes to gather insights from multiple formats of structured data, resulting in a significant improvement in data analysis capabilities using Vector stores and PostgreSQL.

  • Integrated Single Sign On (SSO) with Okta using OpenID Connect on Nestjs and React to enhance security with OAuth 2.0 and seamless login experience.

  • Developed an automated AI powered benchmarking system using Langchain and Weaviate for job level mapping, enabling easier compensation comparison against survey benchmarks like Radford, Wilson-Towers, Mercer etc. saving the HR Team up to 20 hours per week



  • Summarizing Minutes of Meetings Datasets by fine-tuning the T5 XL model using Python and PyTorch with an end goal of using the summaries for downstream tasks such as progress tracking of projects, attendee tracking, named entity recognition, and topic modelling

3. Abstractive Text Summarization using a Unified Text-to-Text Transformer Model
2. Distributed Key-Value Store using Paxos
  • Developed a distributed key-value store in-memory using single-decree Paxos protocol written in Golang

1. Adelie: Kernel Address Space Layout Randomization
  • Active research assistant in project Adelie under Dr.Ruslan Nikolaev, which aims at achieving 64-bit Kernel Address Space Layout Randomization in Linux.

4. Automated Meeting Scheduler – Cross-platform application inspired by Microsoft Calendly
  • Developed a cross-platform chatbot application using Flutter for meeting scheduling, incorporating optimized common-slots mapping for efficiency which cuts down scheduling time by 60%, OCR and file services with GoogleMLKit and Firestore for enhanced user functionality, and biometric authentication with push notifications using GoogleAuth and Azure for security and seamless communication.

1. Modern Task Management Application with Generative AI - Latest
  • A modern task management application with Go microservices, React frontend written in TypeScript, MongoDB to store tasks, MongoDB to ElasticSearch pipeline for searching tasks and MongoDB document data to vector database to enable AI analytics using Langchain and Python.

2. Postgres Client Server - Docker Project
3. Crypto Discord Bot
  • Developed a discord bot using Python and Discord webhooks that pulls data from open-sourced crypto pricing API's and alerts the user every x minutes (using cron jobs) about the subscribed crypto prices.

4. Rock Paper Scissor Bot - Python
5. Netflix Frontend Clone - React
6. CovidReport
  • A simple Python Script that fetches COVID-19 Data from an Open API(India) and sends an email that can be scheduled for daily basis.

7. Walmart Sales Forecasting - Jupyter Notebook
8. Currency Converter Web App - Vue
9. XDA Developers Custom ROMs - Senior Member
  • Developed Custom Android OS's for Galaxy S Plus and Galaxy Ace Devices


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